Discover an array of captivating artwork created by our talented members at Caloundra Lapidary Club. Our website showcases a curated selection of pieces available for purchase directly from the artists themselves. Embrace the opportunity to connect with our creative community, as each artwork tells a unique story. Please note that all transactions are conducted privately, and no funds will be collected by the club. Explore the beauty and craftsmanship of our members’ artwork today!
Pieces on offer
NAME: Graeme
Description: Free-form Green stones & Silver jewellery available
BEST CONTACT: 0403 093 389
NAME: Wendy
Description: Gems + Silver
NAME: Nathan
Description: Sells his Jewellery
Best Contact:
Instagram: @in8jewllery
Description: Polished gems and Opals
for sale.
Best Contact: Come to the club and ask
for me!
NAME: Mark
Description: Boulder Opal
Description: Just Cabs
NAME: John
Description: Faceted and Set Gems.
Like what you see? Come and try them on!
Best Contact: Come into the club and ask for me.
Best Contact: